Validation Reports

Validation Report - 2022

This report presents the findings and assessment of the International Secretariat’s data gathering and stakeholder consultations. The International Secretariat has assessed Malawi's progress in implementing EITI International Standard requirement as meaningful (ref validation scorecard):

  • Overall score of the assessment 80 (moderate)
  • Outcomes and impact 84
  • Stakeholder engagement 86.5
  • Transparency 70
October 2022

Key highlights:

  • Malawi has established a platform for meaningful debate on the governance of the extractive industries, as demonstrated in the MSG’s discussions around corruption allegations linked to license renewals involving Ilomba Mining Co among other instances.
  • Malawi EITI has broadly sustained its disclosures despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, using the transition to “flexible” EITI reporting to improve the timeliness and relevance of its data while maintaining reconciliation of company payments and government revenues in light of stakeholder (civil society in particular) demand for this type of data quality assurance.
  • The innovative nature of Malawi EITI’s dissemination and outreach efforts, which also proved resilient to the impact of the pandemic, is a particular strength, with publication of EITI Report summaries in three local languages and active outreach at the subnational level.