Malawi became an Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) international member country in 2015 and so far has produced 6 EITI Reports. In 2015 the country also established an EITI Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) operating based on agreed Terms of Reference (ToR) defining the requirements related to the role, rights and responsibilities of the MSG so that it can operate and ensure efficient oversight of the EITI implementation process.
In February 2019, the Board performed a validation of Malawi’s progress and agreed that the country had made “meaningful progress” in implementing the 2016 EITI Standard. The next validation commenced on 1 January 2022. Its findings are contained in the Malawi EITI Validation Report, 2022 whereas the outcome of the validation (the assessment scores and recommendations) are summarised in the EITI Board Decision. During this validation on the 2019 EITI Standard implementation Malawi achieved a moderate overall score of 80 points in implementing the Standard. The EITI Board commended the country for achieving a moderate score of 84 points on Outcomes and Impact and allocated a high component score of 86 points on Stakeholder Engagement. However, despite the constant improvements in the implementation of the EITI Standard, Malawi still needs to put more efforts in achieving improved ratings during the next validation scheduled to commence on 1 January 2025.
The MWEITI MSG is a crucial decision-making body on natural resource governance in Malawi and operates on the basis of approved Terms of Reference. While the MSG is mandated to determine the rules and procedures regarding its own work and decision-making, the EITI Standard contains minimum requirements related to the role, rights and responsibilities of the MSG that can help ensure efficient MSG oversight of the EITI implementation process in the country.
MWEITI Strategic Goal/Vision
National Sustainable Economic Development Through Revenue Transparency
Specific Objectives
- To achieve and maintain an EITI compliant country status.
- To attract quality investments through strengthening partnerships between government /administration, companies, Civil Society Organizations and the public.
- To increase revenue base and socioeconomic impacts from extractive industries.
- To strengthen trust among stakeholders of natural resource management.