Beneficial Ownership Disclosure

Beneficial Ownership Disclosure

The beneficial ownership disclosure shows information about the individuals or entities that benefit from extractive activities in Malawi

November 2024

Beneficial ownership information includes:

  • Companies and names of natural person(s) who directly or indirectly own or control the corporate entity
  • Private trusts and names of beneficiaries and their details
  • Publicly listed companies, including wholly-owned subsidiaries, and the name of the stock exchange, including a link to the stock exchange filings where they are listed
  • Joint ventures and each entity within the venture, unless it is publicly listed or is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a publicly listed company


Company Name Sector Beneficial Owner Name Nationalities Nature of Interest
Terrastone Construction Ltd Mining Mining Jose Armenio Azevedo Da Costa Portugal Direct Shareholding: 25%
Voting Rights: 25%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 10-30%
Terrastone Construction Ltd Mining Maria Terezinha De Azevevedo E Costa Portugal Direct Shareholding: 25%
Voting Rights: 25%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 10-30%
Terrastone Construction Ltd Mining Maria Manuela De Azevevedo Costa Leite Portugal Direct Shareholding: 25%
Voting Rights: 25%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 10-30%
Terrastone Construction Ltd Mining Maria Isabel De Azevevedo E Costa Oliveira Portugal Direct Shareholding: 25%
Voting Rights: 25%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 10-30%
Lotus (Africa) Limited Mining     Direct Shareholding:
Voting Rights:
Right to Veto:
Percentage of Benefit:
Zalco Limited Mining Martin Charles Saunders Malawian Direct Shareholding: 25%
Voting Rights: 25%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 30-50%
Zalco Limited Mining Omar Amir Patel Malawian Direct Shareholding: 50%
Voting Rights: 50%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 30-50%
Zalco Limited Mining Amanda Patricia Saunders Malawian/Canadian Direct Shareholding: 25%
Voting Rights: 25%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 10-30%
TLC Plantation Limited Forestry Total Landcare   Direct Shareholding:
Voting Rights:
Right to Veto:
Percentage of Benefit:
Sovereign Services Limited       Direct Shareholding:
Voting Rights:
Right to Veto:
Percentage of Benefit:
Global Metals & Mining Mining Alice Wong   Direct Shareholding:
Voting Rights:
Right to Veto:
Percentage of Benefit:
Global Metals & Mining Mining Bo Tan   Direct Shareholding:
Voting Rights:
Right to Veto:
Percentage of Benefit:
Global Metals & Mining Mining Ricky Lau   Direct Shareholding:
Voting Rights:
Right to Veto:
Percentage of Benefit:
Global Metals & Mining Mining Michael Barret   Direct Shareholding:
Voting Rights:
Right to Veto:
Percentage of Benefit:
Global Metals & Mining Mining Michael Choi   Direct Shareholding:
Voting Rights:
Right to Veto:
Percentage of Benefit:
Zalewa Lime Company Mining Martin Sanders Malawian Direct Shareholding: 100%
Voting Rights: 100%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 100%
Shayona Cement Mining Jitendra Kumal Patel British Direct Shareholding: 20%
Voting Rights: 20%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 20%
Shayona Cement Mining Rajesh Patel British Direct Shareholding: 20%
Voting Rights: 20%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 20%
Shayona Cement Mining Paraque Holdings Liminted British Direct Shareholding: 60%
Voting Rights: 60%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 60%
Cement Products Mining Aslam Gaffar Malawian Direct Shareholding: 61%
Voting Rights: 61%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 61%
Cement Products Mining Akbar Gaffar Malawian Direct Shareholding: 29%
Voting Rights: 29%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 29%
Cement Products Mining Zubeida Gaffar Malawian Direct Shareholding: 10%
Voting Rights: 10%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 10%
AKL Timbers Forestry Aftabbeg Anwarbeg Mirza Malawian Direct Shareholding: 100%
Voting Rights: 100%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 100%
Kaziwiziwi Mining Company Mining Axel Enrst Oberem Deutsch Direct Shareholding: 100%
Voting Rights: 100%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 100%
Rukuru Mining Limited Mining Bruno Kloser Austrian Direct Shareholding: 99.16%
Voting Rights: 99.16%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 99.16%
Mchenga Coal Mines Ltd Mining R. Gaffar Transport Ltd Malawian Direct Shareholding: 60%
Voting Rights: 60%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 60%
Mchenga Coal Mines Ltd Mining Lnxy Investments Jamaican Direct Shareholding: 40%
Voting Rights: 40%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 40%
Optichem Ltd Mining Paul Attwood Mauritius Direct Shareholding: 100%
Voting Rights: 100%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 100%
Hamra Oil Holdings Limited Oil and Gas El Hamra Oil Company Cayman Islands Direct Shareholding:
Voting Rights:
Right to Veto:
Percentage of Benefit:
Hamra Oil Holdings Limited Oil and Gas Surestream Petroleum Limited Cayman Islands Direct Shareholding:
Voting Rights:
Right to Veto:
Percentage of Benefit:
RAS GAS MB45 Limited Oil and Gas Rak Gas LLC United Arab Emirates Direct Shareholding: 100%
Voting Rights: 100%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 100%
Lafarge Cement Company Mining Huaxin (Hainan) Investment Co Ltd Chinese Direct Shareholding: 100%
Voting Rights: 100%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 100%
Vizara Plantations Limited Forestry Vizara Plantations Limited Cayman Islands Direct Shareholding:
Voting Rights:
Right to Veto:
Percentage of Benefit:
Lancaster Exploration Limited (BVI Co No1423524) Mining     Direct Shareholding: 100%
Voting Rights: 100%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 100%
MKA Exploration Limited Mining     Direct Shareholding: 100%
Voting Rights: 100%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 100%
Globe Metals and Mining Africa Limited Mining Hoisze Alice Wong British Direct Shareholding: 50%
Voting Rights: 50%
Right to Veto: Yes
Percentage of Benefit: 50%
Mota-Engil, Engenharia E Construcao Africa, S.A Mining Manuel Antonio Mota Portuguese Direct Shareholding:
Voting Rights:
Right to Veto:
Percentage of Benefit:
Portland Cement (Malawi) Limited Mining     Direct Shareholding:
Voting Rights:
Right to Veto:
Percentage of Benefit: