Mining Industry in Malawi

Zircon from Mount Malosa

The mining industry of Malawi, includes a number of gemstones and other minerals. The value of mining is dominated by the extraction of fuel minerals, particularly uranium. Malawi's production of uranium has contributed 1% to the global production of this mineral. Since 2009, with new licenses granted to extract it from the Kayelekera uranium mine in Karonga District, in the northern region of the country, its production has contributed to an increase of Malawi's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from 1% to 10% as of 2013. As of the financial year 2015–2016, the Government of Malawi reported that mining contributed less than 1% This is attributed to suspension of production at Kayelekera Uranium Mine

Due to limited prospects of minerals and/or the remoteness of the mining areas, mining activity is limited to extraction of coal from Livingstonia and Rumphi mines in the northern region of the country. Other limited mining activities include limestone for manufacture of cement, and limited extraction of gemstones such as agate, aquamarine, amethyst, garnet, corundum, rubies, and sapphires.

Mineral extraction in the country relies mostly on the private sector. Artisanal mining, to a limited extent, is of aggregates, brick clay, gemstones, and lime. Significant increases in mining for uranium, sulfuric acid, ornamental stone, coal and lime was recorded in 2010. The sector has provided increased employment opportunities in recent years

Legal framework
Malawi has enacted laws to govern the mining sector. These include: the Mines and Minerals Act 1981 which enunciates rules of business for the sector; the Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act 1983; and the Explosives Act 1968.[2] And the mines and minerals act 2018 Implementation of the Mining Act rests with the Commissioner for Mines and Minerals under the Ministry of Energy and Mining. A National Environmental Action Plan has also been proposed and it is mandatory for all mining projects to prepare an environmental impact assessment plan.

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