Our stakeholders include Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies, Civil Society, Private Companies and Others. The role of the key stakeholders is as follows:
Government Stakeholders
- Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC) through the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Initiative: MWEITI is considered as one of the pillars of the Malawi Open Government Partnership. The establishment of MWEITI was based on the Presidential directive and Head of State Statement in the 2014 Presidential state of nation address. The OPC will, therefore, provide policy guidance, direction, and monitoring implementation of the policy. MWEITI will ensure to implement and address the milestones agreed in the Malawi OGP National Action Plan. Therefore, MWEITI will be reporting periodically and appropriately to the OPC
- National Assembly: The National Assembly is responsible for enacting laws, exercise legislative oversight and representative functions. The Parliamentary Committee will provide support in enacting the legislation effecting the policy commitments under this policy.
- Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs: The Ministry of Finance is the Champion of the MWEITI and is currently hosting the National Secretariat of MWEITI under the Revenue Policy Division. The Ministry through the MWEITI National Secretariat will coordinate all the activities towards implementation of the MWEITI Policy. It will coordinate and seek financial support where necessary from the development partners. The Ministry will be a main line Ministry for MWEITI reporting.
- Ministry of Mining will ensure that mining activities are undertaken in a sustainable manner for the socio-economic development of the country. The Ministry of Mining is the major reporting entity and partner in the MWEITI implementation process regarding minerals, oil and gas. The Ministry of Mining will play a significant role in shaping the current and future of MWEITI through continuous participation in the management of MWEITI as part of MSG. Both the Department of Mining and the Geological Survey Department will be responsible to provide data and information for the purpose of MWEITI activities.
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry: The Department of Forestry, as one of the main partners in the EI, will ensure that forestry activities are undertaken in a sustainable manner for the socio-economic development of the country. The Department of Forestry is one of the reporting entities and partner in the MWEITI implementation process regarding forestry. This Department will play a significant role in shaping the current and future of MWEITI through continuous participation in the management of MWEITI as part of MSG on permanent observer status.
- Ministry responsible for Environment and Climate will be providing policy guidance and direction on all matters concerning Malawi’s environmental and climate change management as well as information and data for EITI reporting purposes. The Ministry will, therefore, promote sustainable utilization of natural resources to mitigate the effects of climate change. It will also be responsible for implementation of legislation and laws pertaining to the environment and climate change in accordance with international commitments and instruments.
- Ministry responsible for Local Government and Local Council is responsible for coordinating the district council and traditional authorities or chiefs who are affected by various EI activities. The Ministry has an important role as a point of contact and consultation process on various EI matters and will cooperate by providing information and data for EITI reporting purposes.
- Ministry of Gender will be responsible for policy guidance and monitoring implementation of gender issues and promotion of women participation at various levels in the extractive industry value chain as well as for provision of information and data for EITI reporting purposes.
- Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) is responsible for monetary policies which affect the extractive industries development and business. Further, RBM is involved in the appropriation of forex for export and import of EI products and raw materials. The RBM is expected to provide information and data for EITI report and MSG decisions. The RBM will play a significant role in shaping the current and future of MWEITI through continuous participation in the management of MWEITI as part of MSG. Due to different roles of RBM in the EI, including regulatory functions, as well as follow up on export proceeds, the RBM is one of the strategic members of MSG under the Government Constituent.
- Anti-Corruption Bureau will be responsible for technical input and collaborating anti-corruption strategies and capacity building. Also investigating corruption allegations in the EI and providing updates and information for dissemination on various corruption cases related to EI.
- Financial Intelligence Authority will be responsible for coordinating activities and technical support on Illicit Financial Flows, incl. in the context of beneficial ownership disclosure, and for provision of information and data for EITI reporting purposes.
- Registrar General Department (RGD) is one of the Government reporting entities and partner in the MWEITI implementation process regarding BO regulation from companies and creation of BO register. The RGD is expected to participate in the revenue reconciliation exercise as a reporting entity.
- National Audit Office (NAO) has an oversight role in the data and information credibility and certification process and follow up on the unreconciled revenue in the EITI reports as may be requested by the MSG. NAO will play a significant role in shaping the current and future of MWEITI through continuous participation in the management of MWEITI as part of MSG.
- Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) will ensure that tax revenue data and information is provided for EITI report reconciliation process. The MRA is one of the major government reporting entities and partner in the MWEITI implementation process regarding collection of natural resources revenues. MRA will play a significant role in shaping the current and future of MWEITI through continuous participation in the management of MWEITI as part of MSG.
- Department of Fisheries is expected to become one of the main partners in the EI with respect to fisheries activities and will ensure that they are undertaken in a sustainable manner for the socio-economic development of the country. This Department will be one of the reporting entities and partner in the MWEITI implementation process regarding fisheries. The Department of Fisheries will play a significant role in shaping the current and future of MWEITI through continuous participation in the management of MWEITI as part of MSG on permanent observer status.
- TEVETA is one of the Government reporting entities and partner in the MWEITI implementation process regarding TEVET levy that Government collects as revenue from companies. The TEVETA is expected to participate in the revenue reconciliation exercise as revenue reporting entity.
- National Planning Commission will be responsible for coordinating the initiatives towards strategic economic and development planning and ensure that MWEITI policy is geared towards the achievement of the Malawi 2063.
Multi-Stakeholder Group
Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) is composed of equal number of three constituents namely Government, Civil Society Organizations, and Industry (Companies) as per EITI International Standard requirement. The MSG will provide oversight management of National Secretariat and direction on MWEITI implementation as well as take decisions and assist in following up on the policy commitments under this policy.
Civil Society Organizations
Civil Society Organizations will play a significant role in political, socio-economic, and cultural issues. As non-state actors they will play an advocacy role for the MWEITI Policy and provide necessary checks and balances in adherence to EITI international standard.
- Malawi Chamber of Mines and Energy (MCoME) is Malawi’s largest association of mining companies. The role of chamber is multifaceted in the MWEITI process. The Chamber is an additional point of contact of companies for various communication and engagements. It also facilitates companies’ MSG representative identification and nomination. MWEITI and the Chamber are expected to engage from time to time on various EI matters. The Chamber is also a source of technical advice directly or indirectly.
- Council for Non-Governmental Organizations of Malawi (CONGOMA) is Malawi’s largest association of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) which works collaboratively with the Non-Governmental Organizations Regulatory Authority (NGORA). The civil society organizations working in the EI are members (expected to be members) of the CONGOMA. The role of the association is multifaceted in the MWEITI process as it provides an additional point of contact for CSOs for various communication and engagements. It also facilitates CSOs or NGOs’ MSG representatives’ identification and nomination. MWEITI, CONGOMA and NGO-RA are expected to engage from time to time on various EI matters.
- Natural Resources Justice Network (NRJN) is Malawi’s largest association of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) working in the EI. The role of NRJN is multifaceted in the MWEITI process. The association is a point of contact for CSOs for various communication and engagements. NRJN in liaison with CONGOMA facilitates CSOs’, MSG representatives’ identification and nomination. Both NRJN and MWEITI are expected to engage from time to time on various EI matters, including dissemination of EITI report.
Others Stakeholders
- The Media: Under this policy the media will be responsible for educating and sensitizing the public and reporting on the developments in the extractive industry; providing feedback to the policy holder on the perceptions, concerns from the public regarding transparency and activities in the extractive industry. MWEITI Media Taskforce is primarily responsible for sensitization on EITI issues, incl. the report. It shall be democratic, proactive, transparent and accountable on MWEITI reporting to various stakeholders and the public at large.
- EITI International Secretariat (EITI-IS), Oslo, Norway: As an international coordinating institution on the EITI, MWEITI will always report and correspond with EITI-IS as need be or required from time to time. The activity includes relevant country subscription requirements for the membership and MWEITI participation in the EITI-IS organized activities and validation assessment of EITI standard implementation.
- Development Partners (DP) and Donors both international and local are invited to partner with the National Secretariat to finance EITI activities. EITI being a global standard for good management and governance of natural resources is supported and financed by various DPs. MWEITI through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs may enter into financing agreements or technical support of the EITI related activities and may also work with any appropriate partner to achieve the MWEITI objectives.