The Government of Malawi committed to implement the EITI International Standard on 17 June 2014. His Excellency President Proffesor Authur Peter Mutharika declared during the state of national address speech that Malawi will subscribe to EITI as one way of ensuring prudent management of natural resources of the country. On 22 October 2015 the EITI Board accepted Malawi as an EITI implementing candidate country. As of to date, Malawi has published three EITI Reports. The fiscal year in Malawi runs from 1 July to 30 June. The first EITI report covers the fiscal year 2014-2015 and was published in June 2017; The second EITI report covers fiscal year 2015-2016 and was published in June 2018; and the third EITI report covers fiscal year 2016-2017 and was published in November 2019. In addition, MWEITI underwent the first validation assessment in September 2018 by EITI International Secretariat where the International EITI Board accorded Malawi a Meanigful Progress pass mark.
Mweiti Strategic Goal (Vision)
National Sustainable Economic Development Through Revenue Transparency.
Specific Objectives
- To achieve and maintain an EITI compliant country status.
- To attract quality investments through strengthening partnerships between government /administration, companies, Civil Society Organizations and the public.
- To Increase revenue base and socioeconomic impacts from extractive industries.
To Strengthen trust among stakeholders of natural resource management.